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About EdSense Marketing

Global Edtech Marketing Agency

About Us

EdSense is a global edtech marketing agency dedicated to helping companies build organic traffic and develop brand strategies and messaging frameworks that tell captivating stories.

We specialize in creating powerful content that resonates deeply with users' needs and drives highly qualified organic traffic directly to your site.


Our Mission

As edtech marketing executives, we know that an in-depth understanding of education audiences and their search interests combined with powerful brand messaging and engaging content can unlock limitless organic traffic for your business.

At EdSense, we provide strategic guidance that helps you target, reach, and inspire your users to become loyal brand ambassadors.

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Why Choose EdSense?

Focus: We have a deep understanding of the education focus purely on the edtech space

Expertise: We provide executive-level support for your SEO, branding, and content strategies

Value: We align with your business goals and provide KPIs, forecasting, and measurable results

Founder & Principal Consultant

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Tatum Moser

Tatum began her career as an educator in Kindergarten and first-grade classrooms in Berkeley and Oakland, California. After earning her M.A. in Education from UC Berkeley, she worked as a teacher-researcher and learning experience designer for Harvard's Project Zero, Agency by Design Initiative. As a district technology teacher leader, she also supported other educators in adopting new technologies. She later shifted to focus solely on educational technology, becoming the VP of Content and Curriculum at, where she led content initiatives focused on improving product value for users and increasing organic traffic. More recently, she co-founded Mindly Games and EdSense Marketing. At EdSense, she helps other edtech brands master the art of SEO, brand messaging, and content strategy.